Frequently Asked Questions
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Data Use Certification (DUC)
What should I do with data I have downloaded from NDA?
All ABCD data associated with an NDA DUC must be deleted no later than the DUC expiration date.
Previously, the DUC allowed multiple individuals at our institution to access the data. Will each person at my institution now require their own DUC?
While individuals can obtain their own DUCs, a group-level DUC is recommended. This approach allows all recipients to be listed together. A user dashboard provides functionality for managing the addition or removal of recipients.
Will trainees (e.g., graduate students, post-docs) have their own DUC?
It is recommended that trainees be included on an investigator-led group DUC.
Does the institutional signing official need to sign off for every individual that completes the DUC?
Yes, an institutional signing official must sign off on each DUC in order for all recipients to gain access to the data. Only one signature is needed If all recipients are listed on the same DUC.
Is there a process to ensure faculty mentor approval for students (e.g., undergraduates, post-baccalaureate students)?
The group-level DUC facilitates this process as the lead investigator will oversee trainees and others listed under the DUC and is responsible for ensuring their compliance with its terms and conditions.
How can I access earlier ABCD data releases?
Prior ABCD data releases will be available on the NBDC platform as downloadable packages. However, only the current data release will be accessible via the NBDC interface.
What steps are required if someone with a DUC moves to a new institution?
DUCs are not transferable between institutions. Recipients must notify the NBDC platform at when moving to a new institution. A new DUC must then be submitted with appropriate sponsorship from the new institution to retain access. For group-level DUCs, the lead investigator may designate another lead investigator at the original institution as a replacement.
Can we still use the 5.1 ABCD data release under the NDA DUC?
Yes, you may use the 5.1 data until your NDA DUC expires. At that time, all data associated with that DUC must be deleted.
For publication transparency, will the DOI remain the same for the ABCD data releases?
A new DOI will be minted for the 5.1 data release. The old DOI will direct users to the NDA page for past ABCD data releases where users will be directed to the NBDC platform. On the NBDC platform, a notification will indicate that the ABCD 5.1 DOI has been updated to reflect best practices due to a location change.
If I obtain an A-DUC after receiving general DUC approval, which expiration date applies?
If you have both a general DUC and an A-DUC, they will be linked so that the A-DUC expiration date matches the expiration date of the general DUC.