Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study (ABCD) - Release 6.0
Principal Investigators
Jernigan, Terry L; Brown SA; Dale AM; Baskin-Sommers A; Gee DG; Casey BJ; Bjork JM; Neale MC; Foxe JJ; Freedman EG; Garavan HP; Potter AS; Heitzeg MM; Sripada CS; Nagel BJ; Fair DA; Huber RS; Yurgelun-Todd DA; Renshaw PF; McGlade E; Madden PA; Barch DM; Heath AC; Squeglia L; Gray KM; Gonzalez R; Laird AR; Lisdahl KM; Larson CL; Paulus MP; Aupperle RL; Tapert SF; Jacobus J; Ernst TM; Chang L; Banich MT; Friedman NP; Dapretto M; Bookheimer SY; Luciana M; Wilson S; Nixon SJ; Cottler LB; Baker FC; Muller-Oehring EM; Sowell ER; Herting MM; Clark DB; Luna B
For a list of all ABCD consortium members, please visit ABCD Consortium Members.
The ABCD Curated Data Release 6.0 includes high-quality baseline and longitudinal data from 11,868 research participants, including raw and derivative MRI data (minimally processed brain image volumes and Freesurfer data), tabulated structural MRI, diffusion MRI, resting-state fMRI, and task fMRI results, as well as non-imaging assessment data from the genetics, mental health, physical health, neurocognition, substance use, novel technology, and culture & environment domains, and linked external data. Item-level data are available for the neurocognitive and task fMRI studies, as well as selected file-based data from the genetics, novel technology, and substance use domains. For neuroimaging assessments, this release contains all baseline, 2-year, 4-year, and about half of the 6-year follow-up data. For non-imaging assessments, this release contains complete data from the baseline through the 4-year follow-up visits, most of the data from the 5-year follow-up visit, and about half of the data from the 6-year and 66-month follow-up visits. Data from associated substudies are also included (Social Development, Endocannabinoids, Hurricane Irma, COVID-19, MR Spectroscopy).